mena, arkansas barry seal house

Mena was founded in the late nineteenth century as a railroad town in western Arkansas. Each possessed information exposing criminal activities of Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and the Democratic National Committee. Arkansas State Trooper L.D. He never worked for Bill Clinton when he was the Governor of Arkansas. Mena became famous in the 1980s for the arms and drugs shipping through this western Arkansas airport by the CIA and other government agencies. It was originally an Air Force transport plane Seal dubbed it the Fat Lady. Approved for Release Date:September 28, 2009. Lucy takes the kids to Baton Rouge. The mysterious events surrounding Mena Airfield in remote western Arkansas during the gubernatorial reign of Bill Clinton have teased the popular imagination for more than three decades. He was a gunrunner to Cuba, and a veteran of the Bay of Pigs. Kevin Ives, 17, and Don Henry, 16, were found dead on August 23, 1987. His nickname became 'El Gordo' (Nicolaou 2017). In 1986, Barry Sealpilot, smuggler, and federal informantwas gunned down when he appeared at the time and place a federal judge had ordered him to. Trump must continue to deliver on this promise. The FBI in Little Rock . Mena, Arkansas was the key transit points for cocaine coming into the United States from Central America, and weapons going the other way. The distribution within the United States was handled by the Mafia. He was delivering arms to the Contras and returned with drugs as payment. Trumps choice of Mike Pence as vice presidential running mate should crush all hope for those who believe that a Trump White House would be free of the Bush poison. Lasater went to jail for a cocaine connection, as did his friend, Roger Clinton, Bill Clintons brother. He made more than $50 million smuggling drugs into the United States from South America between 1977 and 1986. He was a known associate of the 'usual suspects': David Ferrie, Carlos Marcello, Guy Banister, and Grady Partin. Leveritt was reluctant at first, but soon warmed to the task and got to work. Linda Ives, Kevins mother became suspicious of the boys deaths with all of these rumors. The pilot of the plane was Barry Seal, a legendary drug trafficker. 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; Many of the Republicans hate him, and the Bush faction wants him gone. Kerry would go on to become the Democratic nominee for President in 2004, and is now the Secretary of State. probation and six months at a halfway house. is above the law! (Barry) Seal was a key player at Mena. ONe more thing, There were so many murders regarding Mena and all ofthe people who were invollved, One thing that i never could figure out was who was committing these murders of witnesss and then i found information that mentioned vast amount of training going on of Contras as well as the Sandanistas. (OBrien, who continues to speak out about her experience and CIA psychological operations, was allegedly rescued by former CIA operative Mark Phillips. it stood, and still stands today, isolated and immune from the operating principles of democracy. Brown and the co-pilot, who never exchanged any more than a few words, remained on board. One candidate is clearly and emphatically criminal. It alleges, explicitly and implicitly, that an aircraft operated by a CIA front company in 1984 used the airfield at Mena, Arkansas, as a stating point for weapons supply flights to the Contras in Nicaragua; on the return flights from Honduras, the aircraft allegedly carried illegal narcotics to Mena. Vivamus integer non suscipit taciti mus etiam at primis tempor sagittis euismod libero facilisi. The brutal murder of Barry Seal, 46, at a Baton Rouge halfway house in 1986 would send shock waves up and down the political spectrum. Catastrophic Covid Vax Mandates Shutting Down Hospitals, Medical Centers and Healthcare Systems Like This?! The vicious Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, has played a key role in these crimes. Barry Seal was arrested on December 10, 1979 for smuggling Colombian cocaine. Even criminals have a love life and Barry Seal was no different. The second is the article they reference. The atrocities and crimes of the Bush family, headed byGeorge Herbert Walker Bush,are unspeakable and unimaginable in depravity and scale. If she is forced to quit her campaign, the Clinton-Bush crime syndicate will concoct another way to anoint another approved stooge or puppet to replace herbe it the neocon Tim Kaine, Joe Biden, or even Michelle Obama. his family to Mena, Arkansas. Foster himself, was a partner with Hillary in the Rose Law firm. Mourn the thousand points of light that he snuffed out. And the rest, of course, is history. Dwayne Brown says he knew his brother had made some unexplained trips out of the country. Let historical truth fully expose who and what the Bush family are, and what they have done. Mourn his victims. He decided to talk about Mena. He became a key witness in the federalgovernments war on the powerful Colombian cocaine cartel. Ultimately, we may find out, as Brown tells us that he has been repeatedly questioned by lawyers working for the Whitewater independent counsel about Clintons association with Lasater at a time when illicit drugs allegedly were flowing into Mena airport. After a failed 2008 presidential bid that exposed her viciousness, Hillary Clinton joined the team of Bush/New World Order figures who served as the handlers of front man-puppet Obama. For their efforts, their careers were crushed. It was so full I had to sit on the trunk [boot] to get it shut again. Even then, will people care? The institutionalization of terrorism, criminal cover-up and The Big Lie. Hillary Clinton supported Bush-Cheneys Patriot Act and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Cathy OBrien(author ofTrance Formation of America) is another whistleblower who has spoken out about her unfortunate personal experience with the CIA, the Bushes and the Clintons in Mena. Barry is convicted and is sentenced to 1,000 hours of community service. On one CIA-involved mission in 1984, a secret camera in Seals C-123 cargo plane snapped photos of an alleged Sandinista official loading cocaine aboard the aircraft. They were night hunting for deer in Bryant. A Hillary Clinton presidency ensures this. The New World Orders insistence on a Hillary Clinton presidency is desperate. 2 - Barry Seal - Drug running TWA pilot out of Mena, Arkansas, his death was no accident. He also says he was mindful of the secrecy agreement he had signed with the CIA. As a teenager, he was naturally gifted as a flier, as confirmed by his flight instructor. Leader of Ukraines Neo-Nazi Party SvobodaOleh Tyahnybok(Left) with Victoria Nuland, Former PM of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Indeed, when Clinton was a law professor in Fayetteville, Brown was working on an off-campus magazine, the radical Grapevine. They had worked steadily together, as DEA informants from the. The other is not trustworthy and may be compromised. As I said in my review of . It chronicles Barry Seal's career in the CIA from the 1960s (recruited by David Ferrie, a participant in the assassination of JFK), to his smuggling of large amounts of cocaine (through the Mena, Arkansas airport) that helped fund the "Contra" war of the 1980s. Their deaths at the time were ruled accidental byClinton-appointed state medical examiner, Dr. Fahmy Malak. A $500,000 contract on Seals life soon followed. One of Seal's friends, Russ Eakin, observed the killing. Brown? He then, he says, signed a secrecy agreement, and was told he would be contacted further. A Hillary Clinton White House guarantees war, and a triumph for the Criminal State. In the meantime, we are receiving media queries on Mena, most recently from Michael Isikoff of Newsweek n 18 July. Elections are digitally hacked, rigged, and scripted, rigged the way they have for decades. And George H.W. Seal and his family never moved to Mena, Arkansas, as they did in the movie. The accounts of Barry Seal, Edward Cutolo, Albert Carone, Bradley Ayers, Tosh Plumley, Bill Tyree, Gunther Russbacher, Celerino Castillo, Michael Levine, Trenton Parker, Russell Bowen, Richard Brenneke,Larry Nichols, William Duncan, Russell Welch and dozens more implicate the Bushes, the Clintons and the CIA. Terms & conditions/privacy policy apply. In February 1986, Seal. Bush, Bill Clinton, Asa . Too many secrets have been kept for too long, she wrote, too much important history has been hidden, lost or destroyed. Then both men got into the front set of the car, and Seal reached into the duffel bag, and pulled out a manila envelope with $2,500 in it. . Permanent criminal state, endless revolving door. He had expected to find, he says, a Baron or King Air, the kind of plane in which he sometimes accompanied the Governor, and in which he had some training as a pilot. var sc_security="740aa5bc". It must be noted now that Clintons efforts to distance himself from Mena have persisted for years. Dan Lasater, of course, was the celebrated Little Rock bond daddy. Mourn what has been lost. Jeffrey Epstein: Predator, Spy plus FULL access to all newsletters. Poppy Bush was the real power behind the Ronald Reagan administration, while the actor fronted for it. The bodies were Kevin Ives, 17 years old and his friend, Don Henry, 16 years old. Third, since the author lies about where the boys were found, his other sweeping accusations against Bill Clinton and his evil, criminal ways are totally unbelievable. She is a racist and a pathological liar. It was a CIA operation started by Regan and furthered by GH Bush. The world is in flames. Well take it from here. Thats when he said, You having any fun yet.. There were no local dignitaries present, Bender says, and Clinton did not seem to be taking part in any official function. However it was later proven he was set upAll these individuals had or were speaking with police regarding Kevin Ives & Don Henry. In return, he retained 10% of all the money laundered, and through the ADFA financed local companies, including the Park-O-Meter company in Russelville, Arkansas, to manufacture guns for the Contras. Were taking other steps, tooFreedom of Information actions against the DEA, FBI, and Arkansas state institutions. Poppy Bush, looked directly at Donald Trump and gave him the throat slit gesture. If someone found this, it would be traceable right back to Mena. Meanwhile, others are now coming forward to confirm a Clinton connection to Mena. These included Oliver North, Ted Shackley, Edwin Wilson, Felix Rodriguez, and others. That's where Seal was shot to death while in his car.A movie titled \"Mena,\" starring Tom Cruise as Seal, is set to be released in early 2017. Two quick bursts hit Seal's head and body. [16] According to investigative reporters and . He has dared mention some of the past Clinton and Bush crimes, and is reportedly supported by a large number of military flag officers and intelligence operatives who oppose Clinton-Bush. MENA NOIR: Aircraft pilot Barry Seal, a Baton Rouge native who smuggled drugs into the U.S. for the Medellin Cartel during the 1980s, used this airport in Mena, Arkansas, as his hub, according to several investigative reporters.Seal ultimately became a federal informant and was assassinated by Colombian hitman in 1986. Barr opposed the independent counsels investigation of wrongdoing in the White House and facilitated Bushs famous1992 Christmas Eve pardonsof six of the co-conspirators of Iran-Contra. Trump takes issue with the course of the current war, and supports negotiations with Russia. From the get go, the case file was in shambles. Cathy OBrien(author ofTrance Formation of America) claims to have witnessed and overheard meetings as far back as the early 1980s in which George H.W. "Mena" refers to the small town in Arkansas where Barry Seal moved his operation, smuggling in drugs to a clandestine airfield under the nose of then-Governor Bill Clinton. Highest recommendations. A federal investigation aided by the Arkansas State Police established that Barry Seal had his planes refitted at Mena for drug drops, trained pilots there and laundered his profits partly through . Before long, Seal was importing up to a thousand pounds of cocaine a month. Back at Mena, Brown says, he told Seal he had thought they were going to fly in a plane similar to the ones he had been on with the Governor. Reed trained Contra pilots at the Mena and Nella airports in Arkansas, and worked with Seal. Though the Clinton machine feared him the most, he showed no intention of breaking his silence until a chain of random events made it inevitable. The book was killed at the last minute. Lies aboutRussian hacking, and other forms of interference. (i.e. The consistent trick has been to stack the deck with figures who are unified behind the most important New World Order agendas, posing as opponents. 1101 Mena St. is the local to the secret history of our life and times as a nation trafficking in drugs and arms. But even the most fervent and delusional Obama fans today know and feel that it was a fraud. She is hell-bent on getting it. But I was in for a shock, Leveritt writes. Clinton, Brown believed, was the CIA. They could locate no files on Seal. Bushs New World Order compatriots (including Henry Kissinger, the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds)ultimately call the shotsin relation to their political appointees, in all matters of importance. George H.W. Drug king pin, Adler B. An entry in Browns daybook indicates that the flight with Seal took place on October 23, 1984. His C-123K cargo plane that crashed in Nicaragua, played a major role in exposing the Iran-Contra affair. The population was 5,558 as of the 2020 census.Mena is included in the Ark-La-Tex socio-economic region. Offhandedly, this inaccurate term entered history as shorthand for the public scandals of illicit arms sales to Iran coupled with illicit weapons deals for Nicaragua. Although, the truth, as it happened has never been revealed to the public. Mourn what he took. "The trial of the C4 Seven" One clue to Seal's status is that, after having been caught illegally exporting 7 tons of C4 explosives, no one was in any hurry to bring him to trial. A joint investigation by the FBI, Arkansas State Police and IRS revealed that Barry Seal used the Mena airport for "smuggling activity" from late 1980 until March, 1984, according to the documents released last week. (function() { Brown says he never saw the bags again. At present, although there is no reason to believe any of the allegations, we are declining to comment publicly, pending exhaustive searches of DO files, as tasked by ICA. Far from staying background, Clinton liked direct involvement. He concluded by saying that Mena was a federal, not a state, matter. Let us recall the words of John F. Kennedy from a tragically prescient 1961 speech that helped trigger his own murder: The word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are, as a people, inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, secret oaths and secret proceedings. Trump: threat or compromised noise maker? The other troopers called him Clintons Fair-haired boy. Let the mainstream corporate medias desperate attempt to sanitize the Bush record utterly fail. The testimony reveals a scheme whereby massive amounts of cocaine were smuggled into the State of Arkansas.. The Clintons in particular hate the Obamas, and the Obama-Clinton working relationship has been frosty since Hillary Clinton lost the 2008 nomination to Obama. In the autumn of 1984, Brown found himself seated on a bench inside a cavernous C-123K cargo plane roaring over a Central American jungle. The CIA chose Arkansas because it was like the banana republic where politicians could be bought for money. Listing provided courtesy of RE/MAX Mena Real Estate, Inc. # 22031666 126, 165, 173 Crooked Creek Lane Mena, AR 71953 3 Beds; 2 Baths; 1250 sq.ft. It may also never be known whether CIA officials approved or knew of Seals activities, or whether he was operating on his own. Shortly after Jerry Parks murder, Parks wife related one instance to the London Telegraph. Global narcotics trafficking, money laundering, fraud and financial looting. Election Law Update, Heavy Lifting Ne NYC Cleans Voter Rolls Thanks To Judicial Watch. Seal's financial records show from the early eighties, for example, instances of daily . No expenditure is questioned, no secret revealed. At the rear of the plane, by the beaners, he says were palettes on casters. He said, according to Brown, Thats Lasaters deal, thats Lasaters deal.. Later Brown would come to know them as kickers. In the 1980s the smallairportin Arkansas known as Mena became part of the largest covert operation in history. The state really had next to nothing to do with it. In 1986, he was convicted of drug distribution, and lost his state securities license. Steal $20 Mil in U.S. COVID Relief Funds. That didnt happen. Became a DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) informant after he was convicted of smuggling charges. Iran-Contra was a replication of the CIAs Golden Triangle drug trafficking in Southeast Asia (operations also connected to Bush) but on a larger scale and sophistication, greater complexity, and far-reaching impact that remains palpable to this day. To quote [former CIA director] William Casey it is a completely self-funding, off-the-shelf operation. It, in fact, dictates a substantial portion of this countrys foreign, economic and military policy from a place not accessible to the will of a free people properly armed with facts.. Strange events unfolded at Mena, a small city in remote western Arkansas, in the 1980s. Many of the more baroque allegations emerge from the fever swamps of conspiracy theorists, but certain facts are indisputable. : Then the plane dropped to what Brown calls an altitude a hell of a lot lower than what youd think youd fly. He suspected Seal was trying to evade radar. These include the investigations of: Mike Ruppert (From The Wilderness,Crossing the Rubicon), Al Martin (The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider), Gary Webb (Dark Alliance), Rodney Stich (Defrauding America,Drugging America), Terry Reed (Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA),Stew Webb(andhere), Dois Chip Tatum (The Tatum Chronicles) (summarized here), Pete Brewton (The Mafia, the CIA and George Bush) and Daniel Hopsicker (Barry & The Boys: The CIA, the Mob and Americas Secret History), among others. No one responded when she asked if the newly arisen concerns might be political., In the Arkansas Times article, Leveritt pinned her hopes on the new Cruise movie, which opened in 2017 to good reviews. A pilot, Seal moved much of his smuggling operation from Baton Rouge to Rich Mountain Aviation at Mena Intermountain Airport . The narcotics runner, Barry Seal, allegedly paid off then-Governor Clintons protg, L. D. Brown, and one Dan Lasater, a Clinton contributor. He says that Clinton arrived in a Beech aircraft, and was still there when he left for the day. Hillary Clintons mental instability, anger, re well known to those who have worked in the Clinton administrations in Arkansas as well as in the White House, and in more recent tenures as New York senator and Secretary of State. Nice, but did you know that the boys on the railroad tracks incident happened NOWHERE NEAR MENA? As senator, she facilitated the Bush/New World Order agenda faithfully. var sc_project=5585388; A US Senate subcommittee in 1989 called the available evidence about Mena sufficient for an indictment on money laundering charges. Seemingly panicked, the White House mistakenly presumed that Brown was talking to ABC News about his involvement with Mena when he was actually discussing Whitewater. Judicial Watch: Fighting for Clean Elections. The Bush throat-cut gesture suggests that a friendly deal will not be made. According to the Parks family, Jerry was keeping a file on all of this and other illicit activity. Paid seat fillersto fillempty venuesto create the appearance of a huge crowd. wishes it was an Arkansas judge who sentenced Seal to the halfway house instead of himself. Bush created new structures (special situation group, terror incident working group etc.) Under the disguise of an "aircraft refurbishing center", Mena was an arms and drug smuggling ring working for President Ronald Reagan's Contra war against the Sandinistas. Seal was killed on the evening of Feb. 19, 1986, machine-gunned in. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); On Feb. 19, 1986, Barry Seal, a very prominent CIA drug smuggler and ace pilot, was murdered outside his halfway house in Baton Rouge, LA. The Mena, Arkansas Airport. They were told that they would have no interference from authorities if they tried to enter the U.S. by air or sea. Realizing a small gold mine from the drug smuggling operations,Mochtar and James Riady purchased the bank in 1985. I knew the agency had an extensive file on Seal, Leveritt wrote, because Id read it decades earlier, shortly after Seals murder. On Watch: The #COVID19 Crisis on our Southern Border the Media ISN'T Coveri On Watch: Marxism & the Current Insurrection in America. The photos quickly leaked, boosting Washingtons anti-Sandinista effort but likely putting a target on Seals back: to his drug-running friends in South America, there could be no question where the photos came from. When Bill Clinton became president, Mena got a closer look. According to Customs sources, Seal's operations at Mena and other bases were involved in the export of guns to Bolivia, Argentina, Peru, and Brazil, as well as to the Contras, and the importation of cocaine from Colombia to be sold in New York, Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, and other cities, as well as in Arkansas itself. In the years that followed his split from Clinton, Brown investigated white-collar crime for the Arkansas State Police. Contrary to her manufactured image, she is not a populist liberal, and is the opposite of a motherly or sisterly figure who cares about children and the disadvantaged and the poor. As written by Mike Ruppert, one of many Iran-Contra whistleblowers, inCrossing the Rubicon: Iran-Contra was effectively managed by Lee Hamilton in the House [of Representatives] and John Kerry (among others) in the Senate throughout the late 1980s to conceal the greatest crimes of the era, crimes committed by a litany of well-known government operatives.. Clinton made deals to launder CIA money through his scam loan agency, Arkansas Development and Finance Authority. She was an experienced writer and had prepared for the legal review. Proudly powered by WordPress. Who was Barry Seal? It alleges, explicitly and implicitly, that an aircraft operated by a CIA front company in 1984 used the airfield at Mena, Arkansas, as a staging point for weapons supply flights to the Contras in Nicaragua; on the return flights from Honduras, the aircraft allegedly carried illegal narcotics to Mena. You can trust him, but the network apparently yielded to White House pressure. Bush throat cut gesture aimed at Trump. If indeed Pence is Trumps designated handler and control agent, that is the end of the idea of Trump as an agent of change. She died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide, and was 7 months pregnant at the time of her death. At that point they were beaten and stabbed. It is a small obscure town in western Arkansas, with a population around 5,000 people. Every dirty trick imaginable. Their friends dominate the corporate media and Hollywoodthe shapers of The Big Lie. It is not a deep state or a shadow state but a Criminal State that operates in broad daylight. Terrorism, drugs and weapons flow freely through more geostrategic hot spots than ever. Theme: Bushwick by James Dinsdale. ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! Mena (/ m i n / MEE-n) is a city in Polk County, Arkansas, United States.It is also the county seat of Polk County. Bill Clinton was to take the reins from the Bushes in that fake election. This is end game, with the future of the planet at risk. Using my iPhone, I shot this video of the Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport on July 22, 2016. The Clintons collaboration with the Bushes and the CIA made possible their rise to prominence. All of these rumors tooFreedom of information actions against the DEA, FBI, and what they done! Together, as confirmed by his flight instructor Arkansas judge who sentenced Seal to the task and got work! Today, isolated and immune from the Relief Funds important history has been hidden, lost or destroyed flight! 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mena, arkansas barry seal house