magic items that increase constitution 5e

This crook was created to be a protection from evil, but it was cursed by the witch Iggwilv when she rediscovered it. Lastly, you can use both the Lightning Bolt and Thunderclap at the same time. However, your next two checks are made with disadvantage. Warding spells can be tied to this item instead of the caster so that others can interact with the spells accordingly. Your entire party cannot be surprised and are woken up if asleep when combat begins. You can use this fan to cast Gust of Wind. Dawnbringer is a sentient Sun Blade with the added ability to cast Lesser Restoration. This is +1 leather armor. Manual of Quickness of Action. This lyre can be used to cast Animal Friendship, Charm Person, Enthrall, or Suggestion once a day. If this chariot is pulled by one or more flying creatures, it can fly as well. This shield gives you advantage on initiative rolls and perception checks. This mirror can trap up to 12 creatures in its extradimensional cells. Almost all bard spells require a saving throw, and few features grant a bonus to saving throw DCs. This weapon gives you a +3 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls made with it. When you hit with this +3 flail you can deal an extra 5d4 damage of acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison. You can consume the magic of this manual to increase your Dexterity score by 2. You have advantage on this attack, and it ignores all resistances and immunities. Why is sending so few tanks Ukraine considered significant? While this orb is on your person, your wisdom score increases by 2, you gain 60 feet of darkvision, and you have advantage on perception checks to discover hidden doors and paths. Additionally, you regain 5 sorcery points whenever you roll a hit dice. This chair is used to propel and maneuver a ship known as the Emerald Angel through the air. You can use this wand to find secret or trap doors near you. These shields are created by mind flayers and used to see through as long as they are on the same plane of existence. Most paladins opt for the sword-and-board approach, so having a magical shield is a great boon. This wand can be used to cast Lightning Bolt. This amulet is used to control a Shield Guardian. You can use this medallion to cast Detect Thoughts. While wearing these gloves, climbing and swimming dont cost you extra movement, and you gain a +5 bonus to athletics checks made to do either activity. Also, did I mention that theyre invisible? With a 1 lvl dip into Divine Soul Sorcerer you get: Favored by the Gods Starting at 1st level, divine power guards your destiny. This winged helm gives you advantage on initiative rolls and a flying speed of 60 feet. Any creature that touches this vessel gains the benefits of a short rest but starts to hear telepathic whispers convincing them to open it. After putting some drops of your blood into this vial, you can use it as a spellcasting focus and gain a bonus to your spell attack rolls and spell save DC according to its rarity. This is a +3 longsword. This is a combination kit of alchemists supplies and poisoners kit. Additionally, you can increase the number of spell slot levels regained by Arcane Recovery by 1. These are small earpieces that allow you to communicate telepathically with others who are wearing a spies murmur. This is an additional book for 5e that includes new monsters and detailed combat scenarios. This small pearl can turn a 10-mile-radius area into night. When you reach for a specific item, its always on top. This rod allows you to deal lightning damage as a reaction to taking damage from a creature within 60 feet of you. This wreath of golden thorns and gems representing the might of Tiamat is used to dominate the will of beasts, dragons, and monstrosities through the casting of Dominate Monster. Unleash as many Eldritch Blasts with advantage while theyre restrained. Additionally, it has 7 charges that can be used to destroy good-aligned creatures, leaving no trace of their existence. This screwdriver, which can only be attuned by an artificer, can be turned into any artisans tools of your choice. The blade is a +2 longsword that deals radiant damage instead of slashing. The trapped air elemental inside of this backpack fills a balloon, allowing the wearer to benefit from the effects of either Levitate or Feather Fall. These gauntlets turn any weapon you hold into a magic weapon, and they can even cover your weapons in magical flames to deal an extra 1d6 fire damage. Its unclear whether this curse is included in the spell that you originally cast with Metamagic or immediately afterward. Moreover, once a day when you spend hit dice to heal yourself, you can regain 5 sorcery points. Barbarians already have high mobility. This bottle can produce endless smoke that heavily obscures an area with a maximum radius of 120 feet. This cursed shield causes any ranged attacks against creatures within 10 feet of you to target you instead, but it does give you resistance to damage from ranged attacks. It also lets you make a reaction attack when you are hit with melee attacks. If that wasnt enough once a day, you can choose any cantrip and can use it the entire day as if it were an artificer spell. They can be used in many ways as weapons, as tools, even as a teleporting vehicle. This helm also allows you to know the location of any celestials or fiends within 30 feet of you. This ring allows you to cast Fog Cloud centered on yourself. A cuddly stuffed toy that can be used to give yourself advantage when making a saving throw to avoid or end the frightened condition. The flail deals an additional 1d8 radiant damage on every hit, and you can activate the flail to cause a cloud of incense to pour out to a radius of 10 feet, healing everyone you want within range for 1d4 hit points every round. This cursed stone slows you down and reduces your load and lift capacity if you try to use the dash or disengage actions before getting it off your person. This armor contours to your skin, gives you resistance to fire damage, and does not impose disadvantage on stealth checks. It can be used to destroy a creature attuned to both the eye and hand of Vecna. Since youre most effective in melee, you want to get up close; being able to fly lets you overcome any difficult terrain or uneven elements of the battlefield. This wand can be used to paralyze creatures. The Blue Dragon Mask is associated with lightning damage and allows you to stop creatures from making reactions when you deal lightning damage to them. This is great for any cleric as it doesnt cost anything to command the snake. This rod gives you advantage on perception checks and initiative rolls, can be used to cast a number of detection spells, and provides a protective aura that boosts the AC of you and your allies. The hammer provides many abilities, such as the ability to speak Abyssal and Infernal, a burrowing speed equal to your walking speed, and the ability to cast Earthquake, Meld into Stone, or Stone Shape. You can also transfer this rune to either a weapon or a piece of armor to transfer its powers. This armor has resistance to a predetermined damage type. You gain a +2 to your Constitution, have advantage on interacting with dwarves, gain resistance to poison damage and advantage on saving throws against being poisoned. You can use this cloak to polymorph into a hell hound. Your Constitution score is 19 while you wear this amulet. Updated Nov 10, 2022. A piece of magical ammunition that provides a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. It also allows you to cast Illusory Script at will without requiring material components. This mace deals an extra 2d6 radiant damage to fiends and undead. Common Magic Items Armblade A magic weapon that attaches to the arm of a warforged. This can be used as both a spellbook and spellcasting focus for a wizard. You instantly die if reduced to 0 HP while wearing this ring. As an extra downside, each Arrow of Slaying is designed to target a. This potion lets you breathe fire (one target 30 ft range, DC 13 Dex save, 4d6 fire damage, half damage on a successful save) three times over the course of the next hour. 9 2015-11-02 In 5e, characters can only have three magic items attuned at a time (DMG pg 138). The Zone of Truth spell and a politics-and-deception-heavy campaign, how could they co-exist? This charm lets you cast Speak with Plants and gives you advantage on charisma checks to influence plants. This cursed necklace gives you a +1 to all ability checks and saving throws, but it also afflicts you with lycanthropy. This pipe, which blows bubbles instead of smoke, can be used to cast Fog Cloud or Misty Step and can even summon a steam mephit. Its a thing of beauty for a class with so many tool bonuses. They grant you a +5 to Sleight of Hand checks and lockpicking checks. This item is good for any spellcaster as you can regain up to a 3rd level spell slot once a day. You can also search for items that directly increase your HP or HP/level. This type gives you a +1 to damage when you cast a spell that deals force damage. This staff can transform into a Giant Constrictor Snake: a huge beast that restrains enemies on a hit. This Yklwa gives you a +1 to attack and damage rolls made with it. It can be used to determine if aberrations, celestials, constructs, elementals, fey, fiends, or undead are nearby. You can use this bridle to cast Dominate Beast. Most of them function by increasing your CON score. This staff gives you advantage on all saving throws against the spells and breath weapons of dragons. Intelligent items can actually be considered creatures because they have Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma An intelligent magic item has a base price increase of 500 gp Akmon, Hammer of Purphoros Artifact It is the physical Ability Score Increase In 5e, characters can only have three magic items attuned at a time (DMG pg 138) This potion. When you fail a dexterity saving throw, you can use this ring to succeed instead. Some items that come to my mind are items like Amulet of Health which sets your CON score to 19. RELATED: Dungeons & Dragons: 15 Best & Underutilized Magic Items, Ranked. Can the Bag of Beans increase an ability score above 20? Going first in combat can mean getting between the enemies and your allies and potentially wiping out a few monsters before they can even act. A spongy, gelatinous bead that dissolves into up to a pint of liquid, turning it into cool drinking water. magic items that increase constitution 5e. You can use this bowl to summon a fire elemental as if you had cast Conjure Elementals. This shard allows you to teleport up to 30 feet when you use a Metamagic option, mimicking the effect of the Misty Step spell. This scale mail armor lets you apply your full dexterity modifier to your AC and does not impose disadvantage on stealth checks. Armor made to be taken off extremely fast; you can doff this with an action. For clerics who are focused on spellcasting and healing, the Staff of Healing lets you keep the whole party alive without sacrificing spell slots that could be used to inflict wounds. However, this tattoo requires attunement, while the insignia does not. Any alcohol drinken from this tankard will not cause you to become inebriated. This helps your low AC in your normal form, and since you can decide what happens to your equipment, you can absolutely turn into a bear wearing a cloak. This tablet can be used to cast Eyebite or Gate once a day. This +1 mace was owned by a follower of Lathander and deals extra damage to undead. While it doesnt give you a bonus to your spell attacks, you will rarely need that, and you can start casting a 6th level spell long before you have 6th level spell slots. This spellbook once belonged to Vecna, and it can be used to cast spells without somatic or verbal components. Final note: Recall from our post on fall damage that a flying barbarian can do up to 20d6 damage in a single round with no save by creatively using grappling and flying. A cloak that can billow dramatically at your command. This +2 sword can be used to immediately steal the life force of a creature with less than 100 hit points remaining. This ring allows you to cast Dominate Monster on a water elemental and confers several other benefits upon you. This yklwa gives you a +3 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls made with it. This horn produces an incredible blast that can deal 5d6 thunder damage and stun a creature. Additionally, if you score a critical hit with this weapon, it deals necrotic damage equal to half the hit point maximum of your target. This sphere destroys all matter it touches with the sole exception of artifacts. These drums provide a bonus to your spell-save DC and spell-attack bonus. +1 very good points. This staff can be used to cast Giant Insect or Insect Plaque. Despite this being a level that most characters in D&D dont reach, the Holy Avenger is the capstone magic item for all paladins. This wizard spellbook comes preloaded with a wide variety of spells. There is enough dust in one packet to turn you and every creature and object within 10 feet of you invisible for 2d4 minutes. This rod can be used to cast Locate Objects, and its range is increased to 10 miles when used to detect adamantine objects. The usefulness of this ability is limited primarily by the creativity of the user. Good call! When this oil is applied to a weapon or piece of ammunition that deals slashing or piercing damage, it gains a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls and becomes magical for an hour. This +1 shield can push creatures back incredibly far and even knock them prone. This arrow cant be broken except when in an Antimagic Field. A staff that can be used to create a wide variety of bird calls. This piece of amethyst can be used to manipulate gravity in several ways. Wisps of harmless, odorless smoke come off of this armor while it is worn. These artifacts were long thought to be the only remnants of Vecna, the Undying King. Is there any magic item that increases Hit Points? These goggles, which can only be worn by a creature with the mark of finding, allow you to add a d4 to insight checks and give you the ability to determine the last creature who touched any object. Against enemies of the Cult of the Dragon, this becomes a +2 dagger that deals an extra 2d6 acid damage. This bards lyre can be used to cast Mending, Fabricate, Move Earth, Passwall, and Summon Construct. This staff can transform into a Giant Constrictor Snake that obeys your commands. In the hands of a mind flayer or one of its thralls, this is a magic weapon that deals an extra 2d6 psychic damage on a hit. Additionally, when another creature within 60 feet of you makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you can roll a d10 and add or subtract your roll from theirs. This sword contains the spirit of Kas, Vecnas lieutenant who overthrew and slayed the evil lich. 5e Falling Objects: Damage from Dropping Things Offensively, 5e Spellsword Builds: The Mobile Slash & Blast Striker, 5e: Building a Town, City, or Village for DMs, When your sworn enemy dies, you can choose a. DESCRIPTION This belt's golden buckle depicts a bear's head. Several types of these tokens exist, such as anchor or whip, and each of them has a different single-use ability. For frontline artificers, dexterity saving throws can be an issue, and no one wants to die to a Fireball. One character is a Dragonborn Rogue with a Con score of 10, so his modifier is +0. You can consume the magic of this manual to increase your Intelligence score by 2. This dust gives a creature a flying speed of 30 feet and the ability to hover for 1 minute. This +1 axe or sword deals an extra 2d6 to giants and has a chance of knocking them prone. Professor Skant is a professor orb with knowledge of Netheril history, vampires, Elverquisst rituals, and the tarrasque. Additionally, it has 7 charges that can be used to destroy evil-aligned creatures, leaving no trace of their existence. A spell scroll contains the words of a single spell, and it can only be read and cast if you are of the appropriate class to do so. This watch can be used to pack up or unpack the Witchlight Carnival. This longsword deals an extra 1d10 poison damage. It can also be used to turn a failure into a success when an undead creature forces you to make a saving throw. The description of each item category or individual item details how an item is activated. It has several other abilities including resistance to poison damage, advantage on perception checks that rely on smell, and immunity to disease. However, your AC can be very low as you spread your ability score points across Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. It also sheds bright light in a 40-foot radius, fixing any problems your party might have with seeing in the dark. A small pill that, when swallowed, allows you to ignore the effects of swimming at depths greater than 100 feet. If you speak this caps command word while wearing it underwater, it creates a bubble of air around your head, allowing you to breathe. A worshipper of Heliod who wields this may unlock many abilities by wielding this artifact. The way 5e is set up, a magic item, even a +1 sword, should be a rare and valuable find. These sickles can be used by druids or rangers and provide a bonus to your spell-save DC and spell-attack bonus as well as to attack and damage rolls made with them. It also gives you advantage on ability checks and saving throws to avoid and end the grappled condition on yourself. You dont have space to hold a shield. Speak with animals. As a bonus action, you can command the other end to move toward a destination you choose. Magic items that set an ability score to 19 are great if it's your most used ability score. If reduced to 0, you get to keep whatever was whizzing toward you. Besides giving a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls (which is to be expected from a legendary weapon) this sentient bad boy has numerous abilities. This stone can be used to undo an action. Even still, it lasts until the end of your next turn, and other spellcasters can target that creature with powerful save-or-suck spells for a round. Any weapon that gives you a +1 on attack and damage rolls. This wand can be used to cast Ray of Frost, Sleet Storm, or Ice Storm. This +3 sword deals an extra 2d10 radiant damage to undead creatures and provides you and your allies advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. There are plenty of magic items in D&D 5e that are well-suited for rangers. A staff that can be used to create nonmagical flowers. The artificer was the first class to be added outside the Player's Handbook in Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition. When it hits an enemy, they are restrained. Alternatively, they can fill gaps and shore up weaknesses in the sorcerer's kit. They even give you resistance to cold damage and allow you to ignore difficult terrain caused by ice or snow. These boots give you a flying speed equal to your walking speed. A potion that gives the effects of the Comprehend Languages spell for 1 hour. This can be used as both a spellbook and spellcasting focus for a wizard. A 50-foot rope that can always be reassembled if its parts are put back together. This staff is powered by the imprisoned spirit of an archmage long ago killed by Acerak. It can also be used as a reaction to give a structure immunity to damage it would take. The haversack has three interdimensional spaces for storing a great amount of objects. D&D 5E Constitution Saving Throw Basically a saving throw is the d20 roll which is made to be resist like dangerous, such as the spell or magical effect, trap, poison, disease, certain enemy attacks, or an environmental hazard. Some items also allow you to cast a spell that can grant you temp hp. Speaking this staffs command word turns it into a giant constrictor snake under your command. The aboleth Golorr knows the location of Lord Neverembers secret vault, and you can obtain that knowledge by casting Legend Lore on the stone. This war rune banner gives several benefits to the bearer, such as immunity to the frightened condition, the ability to see invisible creatures, and protection from ranged attacks. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Allows you to map the natural terrain around a point you can see that is no more than a mile away from you. You can change this armor to look like any set of clothes. However, Belashyrra can see through its eyestalks if she is on the same plane of existence as it. It has many powers spread between its pages and can be used to cast a number of powerful spells. Well, unless the jailer uses See Invisibility or has True Sight or something similar. However, it is cursed to give you disadvantage when dealing with demons. This sword sheds bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light in a 15-foot radius beyond that. This dagger gives you 30-feet blindsight. It contains a spark of Imix, Prince of Evil Fire and provides several fire-themed properties, such as the ability to speak Ignan, resistance to fire damage, and the ability to cast Dominate Monster on fire elementals. In addition, you can activate the tattoo to enable your melee attacks to have a 15-foot reach for 1 minute and deal an extra 1d6 force damage. This eyepatch gives you advantage on sight-based perception checks, immunity to the Sunlight Sensitivity trait, and immunity to magic that would allow other creatures to read your thoughts or determine if youre lying. This takes the hunting part of being a ranger to the next level. While this looks like a bag of holding, its actually the mouth of an extra dimensional creature that eats most organic matter put into it. This ring allows you to breathe water, and it gives you a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. It can also be used to create balls of lightning and shooting stars that deal lightning and fire damage respectively. Taking it further, you can factor in your Charisma mod if youve taken Agonizing Blast. Belt of Dwarvenkind (very rare) DMG p 155 increases your Con score by 2, so would give you 1 extra hp per level. You can use this wand to force a humanoid to smile for a minute if they fail a DC10 Charisma save. This healing potion lets you regain 4d4+4 hit points. You can use this cape to cast Dimension Door, leaving smoke behind at the location you left. The ythryn mythallar is a powerful object that draws on the magic of the Weave. Gnomes with a Mark of Scribing can touch a speaking stone to cast Sending focused on another speaking stone. When you pull a patch, it becomes an ordinary version of that object. You can use up to 3 charges on a hit, and it regains at least 5 charges every day. A potion that allows you to remain awake during a long rest while still gaining its benefits. I haven't done Ability Score Increases, but instead choose feats this increases my characters power by a lot (In yesterdays game I single handedly killed nine hell hounds in two rounds, one shoting them all and I don't even have magic items yet.). You can use this device to cast Longstrider or Teleport on yourself. Can a county without an HOA or covenants prevent simple storage of campers or sheds. This shield rune ingot bestows several benefits onto you while its on your person. Additionally, it can provide the quickest path to the end of a nonmagical path or maze. You can use this mirror to see the history of a specific object or creature. while you are attuned to this weapon, your hit point maximum increases by 1 for each level you have attained. You can spend a minute swapping out a prepared spell for a divination spell in the book. on Wisdom (Insight) checks. You can expend charges while wearing this armor to deal extra necrotic damage when you hit a creature with an attack. Instead of an additional weapon to use, this gives you an additional party member and tank. This ring gives you a +1 to AC and saving throws. These horns summon a number of berserkers from the halls of Valhalla to fight at your side. Armor made of mithral does not impose disadvantage on stealth checks. It cant be damaged by nonmagical sources. Although it may be a clich, the Instrument of the Bards is one of the most powerful magic items you can get. This +1 armor has several extradimensional spaces on it. These goggles give you advantage on arcana checks about creatures or objects that you can see. This +2 war pick is infused with a spark of Ogremoch, Prince of Evil Earth. In fact, it can produce a wide variety of liquids from fresh water to mayonnaise. This is the quintessential druidic magic item. These boots allow you to double your speed for a total of 10 minutes each day, even providing disadvantage to opportunity attacks made against you. A success when an undead creature forces you to map the natural terrain around a point you can this... Doors near you be an issue, and Constitution the evil lich somatic verbal. That others can interact with the sole exception of artifacts is enough dust in packet! Your choice +1 mace was owned by a follower of Lathander and deals extra damage to undead bards! 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magic items that increase constitution 5e